Planted between cornfields in smalltown Ohio, Kingstree Church has a long legacy in the Sabina/Wilmington area but has recently begun the process of "repotting". Prayerfully, our church family is launching a new season of discipleship, growth, and outreach in the hopes of enriching our relationships with each other, deepening our focus on and worship of the Lord, and providing a place of light to our local community.


    ...is to make disciples who see, savor, and sing the glory of God, to be giving of ourselves and our resources, and to continually press further up and further in to the beauty of the crucified and risen Jesus Christ.


    We are a small but growing body of Christ-followers just outside of Sabina, Ohio. Our desire is to know and enjoy God in Christ both individually and as a community, building one another up into Christ as we employ our specific gifts, skills, experiences, and testimonies to minister the grace of Christ to each other. Every believer is a critical part of Christ’s Body, both global and local. If you would like to serve but don't know how, our pastors would be happy to talk with you!